Date: Friday 11 May; Saturday 12 May; Sunday 13 May (depending on your timezone!)
The schedule is evolving and being updated. Please check back.
Please click on the time under GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) below to get the time for your time zone.
GMT/London | Melbourne | New York | Guests | Topic, theme, discussion, questions |
Craig Payne | "Pre show" | |||
12.00MN (Fri) | 9.00AM (Sat) | 7.00PM (Fri) | Ian Griffiths | How do Foot orthoses actually “work”? - 2018 |
12.30AM | 9.30AM | 7.30PM | Luke Kelly | Everything: "Intrinsic Muscles" |
1.00AM | 10.00AM | 8.00PM | Cylie Williams | Paediatric red flags; what to do if you don't know what you are doing |
1.30AM | 10.30AM | 8.30PM | Patrick DeHeer | Equinus is the Root of All Evil |
2.00AM | 11.00AM | 9.00PM | ||
2.30AM (Sat) | 11.30AM | 9.30PM | Alicia James | Anything new about calcaneal apophysitis? |
3.00AM | 12.00MD | 10.00PM | Rebecca Rushton | The humble 'blister' |
3.30AM | 12.30PM | 10.30PM | Peta Tehan | Advanced Doppler Waveform Analysis for Podiatrists |
4.00AM | 1.00PM | 11.00PM | Kevin Kirby | Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome: Soft Tissue Traction or Bone Bending Injury and How Best to Treat: Orthotics or Gait Retraining? |
2.30AM | 1.30PM | 11.30PM | Mark Gilheany | Plantar Plate Ruptures: What, when? |
4.00AM | 2.00PM | 12.00MD | David Sutton | Pressure Mapping and Charcots Neuroarthropathy |
3.30AM | 2.30PM | 12.30AM (Sat) | Chris MacLean | A Collaborative Approach to Managing Overuse Injuries in the Distance Runner |
6.00AM | 3.00PM | 1.00AM | Matt Gooch | FitStation: Game Changer? |
6.30AM | 3.30PM | 1.30AM | ||
7.00AM | 4.00PM | 2.00AM | Nathan White | An Introduction to Cycling Inspired Podiatry and the Strengths and Weaknesses of Cycling Orthoses |
7.30AM | 4.30PM | 2.30AM | Robert Isaacs | The Kidnap of Holistic Podiatry |
8.00AM | 5.00PM | 3.00AM | Richard Jones | Yes or no?: Lateral wedging for medial knee OA |
8.30AM | 5.30PM | 3.30AM | ||
9.00AM | 6.00PM | 4.00AM | Craig Payne | Load Management and Foot Orthotics |
9.30AM | 6.30PM | 4.30AM | ||
10.00AM | 7.00PM | 5.00AM | Nadia Dembskey | Laser Therapy for Onychomycosis: Best Evidence Based Practice or Not? |
10.30AM | 7.30PM | 5.30AM | ||
11.00AM | 8.00PM | 6.00AM | Simon Bartold | Vibration and running shoes; 'Vibe Technology' |
11.30AM | 8.30PM | 6.30AM | David Eardley | The Reality of 3d Printing of Foot Orthotics at the Coalface |
12.00MD | 9.00PM | 7.00AM | Nina Davies | Measuring outcomes and frameworks in paediatrics |
12.30AM | 9.30PM | 7.30AM | ||
1.00PM | 10.00PM | 8.00AM | Bruce Williams | Athletic Shoes as a Potential Cause of Injury |
1.30PM | 10.30PM | 8.30AM | ||
2.00PM | 11.00PM | 9.00AM | ||
2.30PM | 11.30PM | 9.30AM | ||
3.00PM | 12.00MN | 10.00AM | ||
3.30PM | 12.30AM (Sun) | 10.30AM | Craig Payne | But ... but ... but ... it worked for me! |
4.00PM | 1.00AM | 11.00AM | Belinda Longhurst | Smoke, Mirrors and Snake Oil for Your Skin |
4.30PM | 1.30AM | 11.30AM | Ted Jedynak | Manual Therapy Does Not Suck (completely…) |
5.00PM | 2.00AM | 12.00MD | ||
5.30PM | 2.30AM | 12.30PM | ||
6.00PM | 3.00AM | 1.00PM | Eric Sach | "Running Shoes" |
6.30PM | 3.30AM | 1.30PM | Teaching and Doing 'Post-Rootian' Clinical Biomechanics | |
7.00PM | 4.00AM | 2.00PM | ||
7.30PM | 4.30AM | 2.30PM | Craig Payne | Maximalist Running Shoes |
8.00PM | 5.00AM | 3.00PM | Kevin Kirby | Tissue Stress Model |
8.30PM | 5.30AM | 3.30PM | ||
9.00PM | 6.00AM | 4.00PM | ||
9.30PM | 6.30AM | 4.30PM | ||
10.00PM | 7.00AM | 5.00PM | Peter Guy | The Foot Orthotic Modification Matrix |
10.30PM | 7.30AM | 5.30PM | ||
11.00PM | 8.00AM | 6.00PM | Doug Richie | Everything you ever wanted to know about 'adult acquired flatfoot' |
11.30PM | 8.30AM | 6.30PM |